
The ϲʿ is an organisation whose work impacts across the lands of Australia and New Zealand.

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The Preparedness for Internship Survey is run jointly between the ϲʿ and the Medical Board of Australia. These organisations work together to set national standards for medical school programs and the intern year.

The survey, which is designed to gather information about how work-ready interns feel after medical school and improve how medical schools prepare graduates for internship, is sent to all interns in Australia each year.

The survey has been postponed in 2020 and 2021 due to the impact of COVID and to give the ϲʿ and MBA the opportunity to respond to evaluation recommendations.

The survey is online, voluntary and anonymous. Privacy and confidentiality are guaranteed.

The survey has received ethics approval from the Australian National University Human Research Ethics Committee. Please clickherefor the participant information.

Please clickherefor FAQs about the survey.

If you have any questions about the survey you can contact the ϲʿ atinternsurvey@amc.org.au

Evaluation of the 2017-2019 ϲʿ-MBA Preparedness for Internship Survey

Under direction of the Preparedness for Internship Survey Steering Committee, ϲʿ staff undertook an outcomes-based evaluation of the survey in 2020-21. The evaluation found that the survey has been an effective quality improvement tool for medical schools’ curriculum reviews, for collaboration between the early phases of medical education and training, and for the ϲʿ’s accreditation functions.

The evaluation also concluded that over three years, the Survey has demonstrated that interns in their first year after medical school have generally felt they were well-prepared for practice. In some areas there was lower reported preparedness, including prescribing medications and providing care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.

Through its accreditation processes, the ϲʿ has asked medical schools to identify the reasons for lower ratings and report on work to ameliorate them. The evaluation revealed that this work has resulted in broad and sometimes substantial changes to medical programs.

Readthe full evaluation report.

Results of the 2019 ϲʿ-MBA Preparedness for Internship Survey

The ϲʿ and Medical Board of Australia undertook the 2019 survey of interns in May. The ϲʿ is using feedback from interns received in the survey to drive the scope of its reviews of medical school accreditation standards and the National Internship Framework. Medical schools, intern training accreditation authorities and intern training providers are also using feedback from the survey to support the transition from medical school to internship.

Please clickhereto see the national results of the 2019 survey.


Summary of National results

The Survey response rate ranged from 12% to 42% across medical schools. Those medical schools with a low response rate had responses from 2018 and 2019 combined to improve statistical reliability. Please see page 4 of the National Results Report for further details.

On average respondents agreed that medical school prepared them to undertake the role and responsibilities of intern, with the following responses:

  • 22% strongly agreed
  • 52% agreed
  • 16% were neutral
  • 9% disagreed
  • 2% strongly disagreed

The survey asked questions about eight skill groups, including core clinical skills, patient-centred care, documentation, hospital systems, procedural skills, self-management, team work, and professionalism.

The 2019 survey results found:

  • A significant overall improvement was recorded from 2018 to 2019 across most skills categories.
  • High ratings were given for core clinical skills such as taking a history and performing a physical examination, some patient-centred skills such as communicating with patients, hospital systems skills such as preventing cross-infection, procedural skills such as IV cannulation and a number of other self-management, team and professional skills.
  • Areas where interns did not feel as prepared included prescribing drugs, providing nutritional care, understanding of data informatics, error reporting, and taking on a teaching role. Some areas with low ratings are currently a focus for improvement, for example, prescribing skills are being addressed through initiatives such as the pilot of the Prescribing Safety Assessment.
  • The level of preparedness for situations requiring support continues to be of concern, although there have been significant year-on-year improvements in most categories. For example, the proportion of respondents feeling either ‘Not at all prepared’ or ‘Poorly prepared’ to raise concerns about bullying or harassment decreased from 33% in 2017 to 30% in 2018 to 24% in 2019.

The results of the survey have been communicated to medical schools and other stakeholders involved in medical education, and has provided a significant improvement in understanding of how best to align training with the real demands of the job.

Thank you to all who participated.

Results from previous years

2018: Please clickhereto see detailed national survey results from the 2018 ϲʿ-MBA National Preparedness for Internship Survey.

2017: Please clickhereto see detailed national survey results from the 2017 ϲʿ-MBA National Preparedness for Internship Survey.


If you have any questions about the survey you can contact the ϲʿ atinternsurvey@amc.org.au

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